Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Healthcare Executives Deserve Exorbitant Compensations

Anytime someone can convince people that a return of $.25 on a $1.00 investment is a good deal, that person deserves to be well rewarded. That's the U.S. healthcare system. Massive bureaucracies of bean counters concentrate on extracting blood from their hapless customers, not giving blood to them. Overpaid executives work hard bribing politicians and running advertisements informing dimwitted people that they have the best healthcare system in the world. Who pays for the brainwashing ads? The customers of course.

Profiting from someone's distress or pain is the ultimate capitalist enterprise. Rivers of gold can be mined if done properly. Healthcare executives are true masters of gold mining. Relieving pain and suffering is not their strong suit. In a nation of brainwashed people, altruism is an obstacle to those who never have enough money.

The Subversive Selection of Traitor George W. Bush

George W. Bush, the least qualified president in the history of the U.S., never was elected to the office. In the year 2000, five ambulance chasers intervened and placed the retarded Texan in the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. That house now is desecrated and dishonored.

In 2004, Bush was selected by Diebold’s modified one-armed bandits.

Most tragic of all is that few Americans noticed that Democracy was wantonly subverted. It was proof once again that the seeds of democracy, rights, freedom and justice never set down roots in the United States of America. Americans remain dominated by their animal instincts. At least one more millennium will be needed for Americans to evolve to a level that can be described as civilized.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Enlightened vs. Evil

Societies are broken down into the evil, about two percent, the enlightened, about 13%, and the mindless masses, about 85%. The evil element constantly battles the enlightened element of society for the loyalty of the mindless masses. Although smaller in numbers, the evil element has the advantage. The evil element is closer in nature to the masses. It represents the fears and selfish desires most dominant among members of the masses. Only when evil discredits itself horribly or causes excessive injury to society can the enlightened become an appealing alternative for the masses.

Currently, the U.S. is at one of these crossroads. The nation is in the hands of evil rulers. The Republican Party is its Sheriff of Nottingham. The Democrats, however, are not Robin Hood. The Democrats are an illusion of an alternative, of a separate form of government. The Democrats also are servants of the rulers, the evil segment, not the enlightened element nor the mindless masses. This condition is what Francis Fukuyama praised in his book “The End of History.” There is no alternative,” he argued. This is the glue that best holds society together. It is the formula that combines society’s animal and human natures into a functioning, stable nation and region. It does not meet most enlightened ideals, but it does seem to be the most practical for the stage of evolution humans now occupy, the Neo-Conservatives believe. The enlightened element believes the majority of the masses can become enlightened if it has the correct information and the brain is functioining in a healthy manner.