Healthcare Executives Deserve Exorbitant Compensations
Anytime someone can convince people that a return of $.25 on a $1.00 investment is a good deal, that person deserves to be well rewarded. That's the U.S. healthcare system. Massive bureaucracies of bean counters concentrate on extracting blood from their hapless customers, not giving blood to them. Overpaid executives work hard bribing politicians and running advertisements informing dimwitted people that they have the best healthcare system in the world. Who pays for the brainwashing ads? The customers of course.
Profiting from someone's distress or pain is the ultimate capitalist enterprise. Rivers of gold can be mined if done properly. Healthcare executives are true masters of gold mining. Relieving pain and suffering is not their strong suit. In a nation of brainwashed people, altruism is an obstacle to those who never have enough money.
Profiting from someone's distress or pain is the ultimate capitalist enterprise. Rivers of gold can be mined if done properly. Healthcare executives are true masters of gold mining. Relieving pain and suffering is not their strong suit. In a nation of brainwashed people, altruism is an obstacle to those who never have enough money.
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