Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Subversive Selection of Traitor George W. Bush

George W. Bush, the least qualified president in the history of the U.S., never was elected to the office. In the year 2000, five ambulance chasers intervened and placed the retarded Texan in the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. That house now is desecrated and dishonored.

In 2004, Bush was selected by Diebold’s modified one-armed bandits.

Most tragic of all is that few Americans noticed that Democracy was wantonly subverted. It was proof once again that the seeds of democracy, rights, freedom and justice never set down roots in the United States of America. Americans remain dominated by their animal instincts. At least one more millennium will be needed for Americans to evolve to a level that can be described as civilized.


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