The mindless mass level of the U.S. of A. is at the critical point. It’s at 90%. That means 90 percent of Americans can be duped and fooled again and again and again. The old epigram (modified) applies:
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me thrice,
A fool I’ll always be.
George W. Bush alone fooled these people at least eight times. He’s no genius. Perhaps it takes a fool to fool a fool.
Two percent of Americans make up the corrupt, greedy, ruthless rulers of the nation. There’s only a marginal 8% (the Enlightened Eight) that are capable of comprehending the power structure.
The mindless masses (MM) are morally bankrupt, heartless, dehumanized and incapable of thinking critically. They remain at a juvenile level and want to live in an infantile fantasy world. All they ask is that the government praise them and tell them they are wonderful, virtuous, intelligent and brave. The Neo-cons that run the Bush Administration believe leaders need to lie to the masses for everyone’s benefit. These lies, the Neo-cons claim, are “noble lies.” The lies are necessary to maintain discipline. Left on their own, the masses descend into chaos, which is bad for the masses and worse for the rulers.
The lies are intended to render the masses ignorant and dependent. They help instill unfounded trust in strict paternal figures. The MM are more comfortable in a monarchy than in a democracy.
The MM are children in adult bodies. They remain 19th Century savages. Slavery was ripped violently from their bellies like a C-section birth, but the Plantation mentality is alive and intact. George Bush does not disguise his vision of a return to the 19th Century McKinley era of unrestrained, predatory Robber Barons viciously exploiting the ignorant masses. The ignorant masses are doing everything in their power to insure that Bush gets his wish.
The cruel, savage simpletons that make up the majority of American citizens actually believe they are better than someone else. In fact, they believe they are better than everyone else. With the Nazis gone, they are better than no one.
Why are they so ignorant, and easily duped into opposing their own best interests? It’s not natural. It takes decades of determined efforts to produce so many ignorant people. In the 1930s, the National Association of Manufacturers informed the government that its members wanted workers who were “dumb as an ox.” These workers were needed for the new mindless assembly line jobs. The monotonous, repetitive routine of assembly line work was not compatible with thinking individuals.
The education bureaucracies complied with the wishes of the manufacturers. Many parents blame the schools for producing so many ignorant graduates. The schools are not at fault. They are doing what they were asked to do. They are doing it superbly.
The movie Raising Arizona comically portrays Americans as most mature the day they are born. As they grow older, they become more and more childlike.
The U.S. of H. is the world’s leading propagandist. To dupe Americans into joining the insanity called World War One, the Woodrow Wilson Administration created the Committee on Public Information (CPI). Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays led the CPI. CPI members decoded human instincts, thought processes and stimulus/response reactions that can lead all except the EE to respond in the desired way.
A young soldier on the Axis Army keenly observed the experiment. His name was Adolph Hitler. He learned well from American propaganda methods and was able to refine them and also convince otherwise intelligent people to engage in insane, inhumane behavior. U.S. of H. rulers have pursued the same ends.
George Orwell brilliantly portrayed, in an exaggerated form, the functioning of modern propaganda in two very readable books titled Animal Farm and 1984. His predictions came true in the U.S., except they were nearly a generation late.
Today, America has the world’s most sophisticated propaganda system. Most Americans don’t realize that they have been completely brainwashed.
A simple test to determine if you are one of the totally propagandized.
(1). Is the United States a democracy?
(2). Is the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) un-American?
The U.S. is not a democracy. The word appears nowhere in the Constitution. The Constitution says the nation is a Federal Republic.
The ACLU adheres strictly to the Constitution. That’s why it is so unpopular. The easiest thing in the world is to support your own freedom. The most difficult is to support everyone else’s freedom. The ACLU was formed in 1923, three years after U.S. Attorney General Palmer rounded up thousands of Americans and jailed them not because they had robbed or killed anyone, but for their beliefs and what they said. Since the government refused to adhere to the Constitution, and the media showed no signs of understanding it, and the public had even less desire to promote liberty and justice, the ACLU was chartered to demand strict adherence to the Bill of Rights.
Most Americans still hate the Bill of Rights as indicated by the number who hate the ACLU. Many believe it is a communist document if they hear the amendments without knowing it’s the Bill of Rights.
Another horrible blotch on America’s record was its lynchings which continued in spite of efforts by the ACLU to intervene. Over 5,000 people were hanged without trials just because they were black. The concepts of freedom and justice are superficial at best in the U.S. Americans are not ready for the 20th Century, and certainly not for the 21st Century.
Too often the mindless masses believe an event is so extraordinary, such as 9/11 or WW II, that the Constitution must be suspended or circumvented. One embarrassing case was the internment of 120,000 innocent Japanese-Americans in reaction to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. That incident belies the claim that America is the land of the free or the “most noble nation the world has ever known.” No one outside the U.S. or knows U.S. history believes that claim.
It is a typical infantile reaction to strike out mindlessly at someone, anyone, when a person feels wrongfully victimized. Those who oppose the ACLU merely confirm their immaturity and lack of sophistication.
CPI discovered that people respond best to images. In 1917 they produced caricature posters portraying German soldiers killing people. A common example was a poster baring the inscription: “German soldiers bayoneting Belgium Babies.” An alliteration like “bayoneting Belgium Babies” sticks in the memory, CPI concluded.
Today, the Ruler’s propagandists understand that the MM respond best to the vision or personification of an issue or villain. Even though a villain may not exist, or there are multiple villains, the juvenile mind is more attentive if it believes the end of the one villain will solve the problem. In the criminal invasion of Iraq in 2003, the villain was Saddam Hussein. After he was captured, and the resistance continued, the face of Zarqawi, a minor player who isn’t even an Iraqi, quickly was substituted.
Today’s leaders frequently draw on the propaganda lessons learned from WW I. In the First Gulf War, the George H. W. Bush Administration arranged for a young Kuwaiti girl to testify before Congress. She told horror stories of Iraqi soldiers ripping respirators off Kuwaiti babies. Members of Congress and the American people fell for it as easily as their WW I predecessors.
Neither infanticide story was true. They were “noble lies”. The young girl was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S.
America finds itself where it was in the 1920s. Republicans control all branches of the government. Supply-side economics is the business model again. The people believe it can get no better. The economists bragged in the 1920s that they had overcome the roller-coaster cycles of boom and bust.
Nevertheless, it did bust. The stock market crashed in 1929. The nation fell into its worst depression, which lasted for more than a decade.
Radical changes under the rubric “The New Deal” saved the country and elevated it to a higher level of civilization.
Immediately after the death of the father of the New Deal, the nation began a rapid slide back into barbarism. In response to the Cold War, it implemented the Madman policy. Under that policy, only those insane enough to press the button that would annihilate life on earth could hold the highest political offices of the land. That meant only white males qualified for president, vice president, speaker of the house and president pro temp of the Senate. Really stupid white males were preferred.
The Cold War has ended, but the practice of electing really stupid white males has become an American tradition. The world believed Ronald Reagan was the most stupid white man America could produce. They had not yet heard the name George W. Bush.
Today’s American rulers are not comfortable at higher levels of civilization. They love power. They want slavery. They love killing. Most of all, they love their wars. They take the country to war every two years. Each time, the mindless masses eagerly and proudly march off to war--to do the sacrificing, suffering and dying.
Until September 11, 2001, it never occurred to the American MM that killing thousands of innocent people always was evil. When the U.S.-led embargo on Iraq killed 1.5 million people, 1/3 of whom were children and babies, the morally deficient Americans didn’t know it was wicked to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people. When the U.S. invaded Panama and killed 5,000 people in 1989, the ethically-challenged Americans didn’t think killing thousands of innocent people was wrong. When America invaded Vietnam and killed 2 million innocent people, mostly civilians, children and babies, integrity-deficient Americans didn’t understand that the genocide of millions of innocent people is sinful. When American planes carpet-bombed Cambodia killing over 500,000 Cambodians, honor-depleted Americans didn’t realize that killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Cambodians whose only crime was to live on the border of Vietnam, was criminal. When American soldiers and CIA agents crossed Laos anytime they pleased because they were more powerful than the Laotians, they murdered over 100,000 Laotians. The decency-deprived Americans did not realize that slaughtering 100,000 innocent Laotians was diabolical. America also murdered more than 1,000,000 Koreans and 500,000 Filipinos—all since the end of the Second World War.
How could rational people think killing 3,000 people on Sept. 11th 2001 was an atrocity, while the slaughters of 7,000,000 people by Americans just in the last 60 years were the actions of well-intentioned people? They can if they have no conscience, heart or soul. They really don’t care that 3,000 people were killed on 9/11. They are alarmed only because that attack hit so close to home. Even the mindless could conceive that they could become the victim, not just the perpetrator. In the end, they only care about themselves. Everyone else is of no more value than a bug unfortunate enough to fly into the path of an MM speeding car on a summer evening. They are just collateral damage.
The MM reduce complicated problems to simple slogans, images or faces. They reduce morality to sex. They better pray that their God doesn’t exist, because if He does, they are doomed to a hideous afterlife.
History tells us that only Americans are sick and twisted enough to incinerate tens of thousands of children and babies with nuclear weapons. The U.S. is the only nation that has been convicted of terrorism by an international court. That’s not to say it committed only one act of terrorism. Other victims know that the U.S. is never punished for its atrocities, so they don’t bother to go to court.
The U.S. is the Mafia of the world. It is a merciless murderer. It is rich only because it steals from everyone it can and runs a web of extortion schemes around the world. The U.S. practices torture at home and abroad. It is the only Western nation that routinely executes its own people, and until a few days ago, its own children. President George H. W. Bush once confessed that regarding international law “It is whatever we [the U.S.] say it is.”
Using the cowboy, vigilante logic of George W. Bush, any group of people has the right to form a posse and attack America and kill Americans. Americans understand only force and only force can turn it into a law-abiding nation. The attack on 9/11 was legitimate, justified and deserved. Most of the world sees Osama bin Laden as the righteous David fighting the Goliath American monster. U.S. money helped create al Qaeda. As the simple-minded Reagan who provided the money would reason: “It’s only us killing ourselves.”
Only a profound crisis can awaken the mindless masses and open the door through which they can be dragged to a level of civilization. The crisis will hit within the next three years. A nation of simpletons can survive only so long before they destroy themselves.