Monday, March 28, 2005

Steroid-shooting athlete better role model than Congressperson

A Congressional Committee investigating steroid use by athletes is akin to death row inmates assembled to chastise a jaywalker. Our guardians of values claim athletes are role models for our children and their anti-social actions will have adverse affects on our youngsters.

Instead, athletes should be conducting inquiries into why no parent would hold up a Congressperson or other politician as a role model for his or her child. The cream of the crop of one of the investigating political parties is a barely-literate former alcoholic [Bush], a foreign-born, groping, sexual pervert [Schwarzenegger], a drug addict who rails against drug usage [Limbaugh] and a man with a gambling habit who writes books about ethics [Bennett]. That party is so desperate for acceptable candidates, it wants of amend the Constitution so the Austrian-born pervert could be elected president of the U.S.

The obvious question here is why good character has defaulted to athletes. Shouldn’t our members of Congress be the pillars of principles? Instead, they asked self-righteously how athletes could betray the children who look up to them.

After all, we trust those 535 members of Congress and the chief executive with $2.6 trillion of our tax dollars. They decide whether or not we will go to war and kill people including children and babies at great cost in money, lives, property and reputation. Shouldn’t we insist that those representatives be of stellar character, high intelligence and unimpeachable morals?

Just the opposite is true. The electorate selects its political representatives from a cesspool of the slickest treasury robbers who can bring home the most pork to its district. Who is that electorate? It’s the parents of those children. The parents and politicians are such corrupting and corroding forces that the children have little chance of becoming decent adults even if the athletes are pure as the driven snow.

The electorate chooses its representatives from a pool of the most disgusting, lying, cheating, criminal elements of society. The strategy is to win at any cost. Winning justifies any infraction of values according to the politicians. If steroids could promote their political careers, the politicians would be shooting up in an instant.

Isn’t that what the athletes want to do? Win. Why should they not be expected to do it at any cost by people who practice “win at any cost?” Why are athletes held to higher standards than politicians are? Politicians represent us and are custodians of our security, environment and reputation plus one-fourth of our money. What they do reflects on all of us, not just the children. They are our primary image to the rest of the world. Yet, they acknowledge that they deserve less respect than athletes do.

Athletes are role models by default and desperation. All other groups, including most religious sects, are too degraded to serve as examples for our children. Perhaps athletes are the only group with the integrity to investigate the political, religious and business leaders and make the necessary changes so that our children have more positive role models than negative role models.


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