Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Lebanon meets nasty NED

During the Clinton Administration, a “spontaneous” uprising took place in Yugoslavia against leader Slobodan Milosevic. During the George W. Bush Administration, “spontaneous” uprisings broke out in Venezuela and Haiti against their popular democratic leaders. Last year, “spontaneous” street protests erupted in the Ukraine.

Behind all of these events was the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). NED is an American NGO (non-governmental organization) established by Congress in 1983. NED is funded almost exclusively by the U.S. government and works almost exclusively for U.S. political objectives. By definition then, it is a non-non-governmental organization (NNGO)—an Orwellian contradiction. Its budget is $30 million annually, but it works hand in hand with the CIA and has unlimited access to that agency’s unlimited funds.

By its nature, it works best where there is a large degree of democracy and freedom. Since its mission is to change the government policies of the target nation, it is anti-freedom and anti-democracy. Its name should be the National Endowment for Dictatorship.

NED is the first line of attack against democracies and weak dictatorships out of favor with U.S. rulers. If NED fails, as happened in Venezuela, the CIA becomes the second assault vehicle. If it fails, the U.S. military is sent in.

When a popular former leader was assassinated in Lebanon in January 2005 and protesters swept into the streets carrying thousands of fancy banners that could not have been produced in that short time, the meddling and murderous hands of NED were unmistakable.

The U.S. was quick to blame Syria. The media obediently began beating the war drums. The Chicago Tribune carried an editorial calling for action against Syria, even before knowing for sure who perpetrated the assassination. Apparently that newspaper has forgotten all the White House lies it swallowed when it enthusiastically backed the invasion of Iraq.

The U.S. goes to war every two years on average. The last invasion began on March 19, 2003. The U.S. of H. date book says it's time for another invasion. Syria is deemed to be sufficiently weak and vulnerable enough to meet the need.

The second pretext to justify an occupation of Syria is that it has occupied Lebanon for the past three decades. What the politicians and mainstream media neglect to point out is that George H. W. Bush gave control of Lebanon to Syria in 1990 in return for a commitment from President Hafez al-Assad not to assist Iraq, when Bush invaded it.

Al-Assad also used chemical weapons to put down a rebellion against him. That was not pointed out when Saddam Hussein was being demonized for the same act.

U.S. agreements have expiration dates, apparently, after which the nation becomes guilty of doing what the U.S. instructed it to do. Just as the U.S. approved Saddam Hussein’s plans to invade Kuwait in 1990, then condemned Iraq for doing it, it is condemning Syria for doing what the U.S. agreed it could do.

The United States of Hypocrisy and its non-non-governmental organization strike again.


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