Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Capitulation Party

In 2001, the Republicans trotted out a bill they called the PATRIOT Act. They screamed that the sky is falling and we all were going to die unless the bill was approved immediately. The bill took away many of our rights and freedoms. The only danger was politicians unfit to be in office in a democratic nation.

In 2003, the Republicans claimed they had proof that an attack by Saddam Hussein using nuclear weapons was imminent, and if the Congress did not immediately approve the preemptive invasion of Iraq we all were going to die. Congress approved it overwhelmingly. There was no attack forthcoming from Iraq. There wasn't any danger except from our unfit politicians who sent 4230 military personnel to needless, senseless deaths and squandered hundreds of billions of tax dollars.

Now the Republicans have trotted out another scam and the Democrats are falling for it again. The Democrats will hold show hearings and act stern. Then they will capitulate again. There’s and old saying:

Fool me once,
Shame on you.
Fool me twice,
Shame on me.
Fool me thrice,
A fool I’ll always be.

A government of fools is a blachocracy, not a democracy.

Here we are saddled with eternal fools running our government and looting our treasury. We have a choice between two parties. It’s like a choice between cancer and tuberculosis. One party is the capitalist party, which believes property is everything and people are nothing. The other party is the capitulation party. Its role is to give the appearance of choice. It looks constantly for the farthest corner of the room where it can run and hide anytime someone says “boo.” How shameful it is to be an American in this century.


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