Friday, April 11, 2008

Wright is right

I was disappointed when I heard Senator Obama denounce Reverend Jeremiah Wright. It’s a test of character when a person is asked to defend a minority race or minority opinion.

Al Sharpton was correct when he stated that Pastor Wright’s comments were “totally distorted.” Rev. Wright is frustrated, as am I and other righteous Americans, that his nation roams the world killing and extorting, and no one can or will stop it. The people and the Congress lack the moral sophistication and will to know and do the right thing. International institutions know the wrath of the U.S. includes scorched earth policies and annihilation of life on earth as was the policy during the Cold War. It appears that invoking God’s intervention is the only hope for stopping the world’s worst rogue state. Rev. Wright looks at the senseless, baseless war in Iraq, the death of over one million people, mutilation of millions more and the displacement of more millions and sees a hideous crime. The average American sees only bad judgment, a misdirection of tax dollars or the latest “–ism” phantom to fear.

In a similar situation during the Vietnam War, in which I served, the U.S. killed three million people for no valid reason using the most hideous WMDs available. Martin Luther King said: “ . . . the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own government.”

The ability to analyze a political situation objectively and morally is limited to a handful of truly righteous Americans such as King and Wright. Morally confused people looked at the 3,000 deaths on Sept. 11, 2001 and the 3,000,000 deaths during the Vietnam War and concluded that the Sept. 11th deaths were the more reprehensible. Psychologists call this ethical confusion “cognitive dissonance.” It’s the result of the powerful herd instinct to remain loyal to one’s own group no matter how barbaric its members act.

The 18th Century Enlightenment strived to elevate us above the herd, but the “peer pressure” of the group proved to be too powerful. America was founded on those Enlightenment principles and ideals and was a beacon of nobility to the world. The Declaration of Independence was the pinnacle of American greatness. The animal natures dominated and the U.S. has been clawing its way back to the 17th Century ever since.

Only a disappointingly few Americans are able to recognize the evil in themselves, rise above the herd and practice this nation’s ideals. That’s true patriotism. Those few face enormous pressure from the primitive rabble of jingoists. Torture, aggression, disappearances, secret prisons, spying on everyone, denial of rights, rigging elections and indiscriminate killing are characteristics of pre-Enlightenment people.

Rev. Wright is right, righteous, Enlightened and patriotic. He doesn’t abide by the rules of the herd. He is someone to distrust, to fear. He advocates ideas alien to the herd and does not follow obediently. Like Jesus and Martin Luther King, he must be stripped of his power or eliminated.


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