Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Our real threats

Steve Huntley’s articles always are fascinating. His article “Take down Web jihadists, one way or another,” (Chicago Sun Times op-ed, Jan. 5, 2010) is typical. He begins the article condemning extra-judicial murders and ends the article advocating extra-judicial murders. He condemns using the mass media to spread hate and destruction, then uses the mass media to spread hate and destruction.
This ethical confusion is called cognitive dissonance and is typical of the majority of American minds. Moral contradiction was identified thousands of years ago. A Chinese proverb points our that we judge others by their acts and ourselves by our intentions. Jesus made a similar observation stating that there are some among us who can see the splinter in their neighbor’s eye but can’t see the log in their own eye.
Steve’s logs must have felled a forest. Steve is a statutory terrorist as are all Americans. The World Court convicted the U.S. of terrorism in the case The Republic of Nicaragua v the United States. When a nation is convicted of terrorism or other heinous crimes, that nation must punish the perpetrators which were Ronald Reagan and his Administration. If the nation does not administer the punishment, then all of its citizens are complicit, and in this case, terrorists.
Bin Laden never was convicted in any court. Abdulmutallab has not been convicted in any court. It’s questionable whether a convicted terrorist can bring terror charges against another person or persons. That’s very likely the reason for U.S. reluctance to try accused Muslims. Instead, it kidnaps and detains them in violation of everything American stands for.
Conservatives usually oppose rights and rule-of-law. They prefer frontier, lynch-mob justice. They want the government they claim can’t be trusted to act arbitrarily and hastily. They trust their impulse, hunch, visceral reaction and stimulus-response instincts. They have blind faith in their executive, and distrust judicial procedures that involve input from ordinary citizens.
Huntley, Bush, Cheney and their fellow terrorists have murdered over 1.3 million Iraqis, according to a John Hopkins‘ study. They murdered more Americans than were killed on 9/11 and subsequent al Qaeda attacks combined. They hope that screaming against terrorism will distract the world from noticing their far more horrendous acts of carnage. They point to the splinters and hope no one notices the avalanche of logs.
Our greatest threat is the Huntleys, Bushes, Cheneys and their collaborators in our own back yard.


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