Ali BushBush and the 40 Traitors
George H. W. Bush, the father of the current president, was involved in a plot called the October Surprise. The October Surprise intended to undermine President Jimmy Carter and throw the 1980 election to Ronald Reagan. The plot called for a secret deal with Iran, a nation on the State Department’s terrorist list, to buy weapons and military equipment parts. In return, Iran would not release before the elections hostages it had captured from the U.S. embassy during its 1979 revolution. The “hostage crisis” was an embarrassment for the Carter Administration. President Carter also was negotiating for release of the hostages. If the release came in October, he could count on a swell of national pride to sweep him into a second term.
If the Carter plan worked, it would be an essential part of his job even though it could be considered political and somewhat improper for him to use the situation to gain reelection. It was not illegal.
For the Ronald Reagan team to do it would be treason and subversion of the Constitution.
The hostages were not released in October. They were released within 12 hours of Reagan’s swearing in ceremony. Two months later, U. S weapons and military parts began arriving in Iran. Reagan betrayed his oath of office the moment he took it.
Several years later, Ronald Reagan went on TV and confessed to his part in selling weapons to Iran. Instead of being impeached and tried as a traitor, the Moths (members of the herd) praised him for being forthright. President Bush pardoned the Reagan Administration officials who were involved in the Iran arms deal subverting the justice system and avoiding wide public exposure of the treasonous acts. “Keep the dummies dumb” is the cardinal rule of U.S. rulers.
A recent BBC documentary addressed a 1933 plan by U.S. business leaders to overthrow the U.S. government. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had just entered the White House, and many business leaders believed he would lead the nation toward socialism. They saw no reason why the voters should have a say in how the nation conducts its economic or political affairs. For them, democracy is just an illusion to help calm the masses. The coup plans failed when the plotters called on a true patriot to lead their conspiracy. The loyal American was Smedley Butler, a Marine Corp Major General. He exposed the plan, and America avoided a revolution that would have united the U.S. with Nazi German and Fascist Italy. Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the current president was a crucial member of the plot. Ironically, Prescott Bush’s retarded, sociopath grandson executed a successful bloodless coup in 2000.
The Bush family has a long history of treason, subversion, sedition and un-American activities and plots. So it should come as no surprise that George W. Bush united with a band of traitors called neo-conservatives and ushered in the Third Millennium with a bloodless coup. This was a message to the world that civilization will not arrive in the current millennium. The U.S. has dragged the world deep into the middle of the second millennium.
The Bush coup became possible when he united his Bushies, a particularly incompetent, insidious and unscrupulous bunch, with the neo-cons who had a core membership of about 40 fanatically conservative, unpatriotic men and women. The neo-cons, “the crazies” as they were known in some bureaucratic circles, were a band of misfits, mostly Jewish, who had little link with reality and a strong loyalty to Israel. They tended to develop a philosophy then invent “facts” to support their guesses. It was their guesses that led to the quagmire in Iraq. Their desire to have the U.S. fight Israel’s wars clouded any analytical ability they had. In general, the neo-cons are well educated. They are vastly overconfident. They understand the Moth mind. They have a lot in common with the Bolsheviks who took control of Russia in 1917. They hold or held influential positions in the media and government. Bill Kristol, the most influential, had his own publication to disseminate the group’s distorted ideas. The core of the neo-con philosophy is that the strong have the right to rule the weak, and that the weak are at a three-year-old mental, moral and maturity level. Social order must be maintained even if the rulers have to lie to the ruled. Such lies are “noble lies” since they are told for the good of society.
The coup was easy since U.S. traditions of law and order, justice, democracy and equality are nothing but an empty shell. The ruling structure is closer to that of the Soviet Union where democratic elections were held and a democratic government elected. However, actual power rested in the Communist Party’s Politburo. A Politburo also rules the U.S., but its existence and composition are well concealed.
In the 2000 election and the invasion of Iraq in 2003 every institution seemed to betray the values on which the nation was founded. In reality, they merely took their orders from the rulers, the U.S. Politburo. The masses are unable intellectually to distinguish democracy from oligarchy. When Bush said he was the “decider,” few Americans caught the insinuation that he had usurped the legislative powers of the Congress. Bush didn’t have the intelligence or desire to pretend that the U.S. was a democracy as his predecessors had done.
If the Carter plan worked, it would be an essential part of his job even though it could be considered political and somewhat improper for him to use the situation to gain reelection. It was not illegal.
For the Ronald Reagan team to do it would be treason and subversion of the Constitution.
The hostages were not released in October. They were released within 12 hours of Reagan’s swearing in ceremony. Two months later, U. S weapons and military parts began arriving in Iran. Reagan betrayed his oath of office the moment he took it.
Several years later, Ronald Reagan went on TV and confessed to his part in selling weapons to Iran. Instead of being impeached and tried as a traitor, the Moths (members of the herd) praised him for being forthright. President Bush pardoned the Reagan Administration officials who were involved in the Iran arms deal subverting the justice system and avoiding wide public exposure of the treasonous acts. “Keep the dummies dumb” is the cardinal rule of U.S. rulers.
A recent BBC documentary addressed a 1933 plan by U.S. business leaders to overthrow the U.S. government. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had just entered the White House, and many business leaders believed he would lead the nation toward socialism. They saw no reason why the voters should have a say in how the nation conducts its economic or political affairs. For them, democracy is just an illusion to help calm the masses. The coup plans failed when the plotters called on a true patriot to lead their conspiracy. The loyal American was Smedley Butler, a Marine Corp Major General. He exposed the plan, and America avoided a revolution that would have united the U.S. with Nazi German and Fascist Italy. Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the current president was a crucial member of the plot. Ironically, Prescott Bush’s retarded, sociopath grandson executed a successful bloodless coup in 2000.
The Bush family has a long history of treason, subversion, sedition and un-American activities and plots. So it should come as no surprise that George W. Bush united with a band of traitors called neo-conservatives and ushered in the Third Millennium with a bloodless coup. This was a message to the world that civilization will not arrive in the current millennium. The U.S. has dragged the world deep into the middle of the second millennium.
The Bush coup became possible when he united his Bushies, a particularly incompetent, insidious and unscrupulous bunch, with the neo-cons who had a core membership of about 40 fanatically conservative, unpatriotic men and women. The neo-cons, “the crazies” as they were known in some bureaucratic circles, were a band of misfits, mostly Jewish, who had little link with reality and a strong loyalty to Israel. They tended to develop a philosophy then invent “facts” to support their guesses. It was their guesses that led to the quagmire in Iraq. Their desire to have the U.S. fight Israel’s wars clouded any analytical ability they had. In general, the neo-cons are well educated. They are vastly overconfident. They understand the Moth mind. They have a lot in common with the Bolsheviks who took control of Russia in 1917. They hold or held influential positions in the media and government. Bill Kristol, the most influential, had his own publication to disseminate the group’s distorted ideas. The core of the neo-con philosophy is that the strong have the right to rule the weak, and that the weak are at a three-year-old mental, moral and maturity level. Social order must be maintained even if the rulers have to lie to the ruled. Such lies are “noble lies” since they are told for the good of society.
The coup was easy since U.S. traditions of law and order, justice, democracy and equality are nothing but an empty shell. The ruling structure is closer to that of the Soviet Union where democratic elections were held and a democratic government elected. However, actual power rested in the Communist Party’s Politburo. A Politburo also rules the U.S., but its existence and composition are well concealed.
In the 2000 election and the invasion of Iraq in 2003 every institution seemed to betray the values on which the nation was founded. In reality, they merely took their orders from the rulers, the U.S. Politburo. The masses are unable intellectually to distinguish democracy from oligarchy. When Bush said he was the “decider,” few Americans caught the insinuation that he had usurped the legislative powers of the Congress. Bush didn’t have the intelligence or desire to pretend that the U.S. was a democracy as his predecessors had done.
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