Friday, July 21, 2006

Who's Red now?

Reactionaries are those who want to keep things the same, or better yet, the way they were 50 or 100 years ago. In the U.S., the reactionaries mainly are Republicans and have total control of the government.

It was almost 90 years ago that Communists took control of the Soviet Union. Something 90 years old looks pretty good to reactionaries. Red was the color that symbolized Communists and nations ruled by Communists were called red states. Today, Republicans call the states where they have majorities “red states.”

Republicans stole the color red from the Communists and now appear to be stealing Joseph Stalin as their governing model. Under Stalin, one party ruled and placed the interests of the party above those of the nation. Under George Bush, one party rules and puts the interests of the party above those of the nation. Stalin was a dictator. Bush says he is a “unitary executive,” a synonym for dictator or autocrat. Stalin held elections that were fixed. Bush holds elections that are rigged.

Pravda and Izvestia, the mainstream media in the Soviet Union, obediently spewed the government propaganda. The mainstream media in the U.S. uncritically pass on whatever comes out of the Whitehouse no matter how ridiculous or fraudulent.

The Soviet Union had a progressive constitution and a democratic election system. However, the government took its orders from the Communist Party. The U.S. has an antiquated but functional constitution. However, the U.S. Government ignores it and follows the dictates of the Republican Party.

Stalin had a gulag of secret prisons, disappeared people, tortured captives and held people without due process. Bush has a gulag of secret prisons, disappears people, especially Arabs, tortures captives and holds people without due process.

Stalin believed communism would some day be accepted by the entire world. Bush believes capitalism will be the only economic system in the world some day, but it must be imposed militarily.

Stalin spied on everyone. Bush spies on everyone.

Stalin kept his people misinformed and brainwashed. Bush makes every effort to brainwash his people and keep them misinformed.


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