Friday, June 09, 2006

1,000 Zarqawis better than one Bush

The world would be far better off if there were 1,000 Zarqawis and no George W. Bush. Bush is a wanton murderer. He proudly holds the record for most people executed by a U.S. governor (152). Apparently state executions were not fast enough, so he ran for president where he could kill by the thousands.

The British Lancet estimates that Bush is directly responsible for over 80% of the approximately 130,000 deaths of innocent people in the needless, senseless war in Iraq. In fact, he is responsible for all of them plus nearly 2,500 U.S. military deaths. Bush was quick to send Americans to die where the opposition had the home-field advantage, but not as quick as he was to desert the military when his nation needed him to fight in Vietnam, another needless, senseless, criminal war.

What if there were no Zarqawis willing to leave their comfortable homes in places like Jordan to risk their lives for their neighbors and fight a behemoth enemy that had them vastly outgunned? What if George Bush had not been bogged down for years in Iraq?

Most likely, if he had encountered little resistance in Iraq, Bush would have invaded Syria and Iran by now, and, like Hitler and Napoleon, the mad megalomaniacs that preceded him, been making plans to invade Russia. Hitler and Bush share experiences in their rise to power that are too similar to be coincidental.

Bush’s invasion of Iraq was very similar to Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939. Judges who heard cases against Nazis said they hanged Germans for acts of aggression, and Bush’s invasion of Iraq was an act of aggression.

Zarqawi may have saved the world from a 21st Century holocaust, if not nuclear annihilation. History will judge who the most evil man was. I’m betting on Bush.


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