Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Judge the Bush by the fruit it bears

If George Bush cared about the troops, he would step down, taking Chaney with him, and allow a competent person to become Commander-in-chief.

If Bush cared about the nation, he would stop bankrupting it, as he did to his two tiny companies in Texas, step down, taking Cheney with him, and allow a competent executive to become president.

If Bush cared about our security, he would step down, taking Cheney with him, and allow someone who can analyze intelligence rather than trust hunches, to take his place.

If Bush cared about fetuses, he would stop robbing them of $7,000 each and stop depriving them of food, shelter, clothing and education once they are born. If he is incapable of altruism, he should step down, taking Cheney with him.

If Bush believes the Constitution gives him dictatorial powers, he should step down, taking Cheney with him, and allow a freedom-loving person to become leader of the “free” world

Bush lacks the intelligence to know how much he doesn't know. He is incapable of recognizing his infinite shortcomings so he won’t step down indicating he does not care about the nation, troops, fetuses, freedom or security. The fruits of his five years in the White House have been lying, spying, dying. That’s supplemented by gross incompetence and massive squandering of the nation’s wealth. The Congress of cattle is too clueless and corrupt to exercise checks and balances on the Executive Branch, so it’s time for the sovereigns, the people, to take action as the Serbs did ousting Milosevic, the Ukrainians did with their Orange Revolution, and the Argentineans did with their clanging pots and pans revolution.


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