In ponds and politics, the scum rises to the top
In ponds and politics, sooner or later the scum rises to the top
If the Chinese invaded Taiwan to restore the land historically belonging to it and killed over 100,000 people in the process, would American leaders condemn the act as a brutal, barbaric act of genocide? My guess is that it would, and would use the occasion to justify its next biennial war.
The U.S. government killed over 100,000 innocent people in Iraq, making the U.S. the leading mass murderer of this century. Ninety-two percent of Americans lack the moral maturity to know a horrendous crime was committed. Among members of Congress, the percentage is higher.
The Constitution limits war-making powers to the Congress (Article I, Section 8) for reasons all too clear now. Congress did not properly or legally debate the necessity for war in Iraq or Afghanistan then draw up articles of war. In fact, it shows no sign of being aware of that obligation.
The Congressional, Executive and Judiciary branches of government have betrayed the Constitution, humanity and us. The media’s actions have been treasonous.
George W. Bush believes he is a divine-right monarch, and laws do not apply to him or his administration. All Republican members of Congress believe their job is not to serve the people but to please the monarch. Most Democratic members of Congress believe their primary job is to please the monarch.
The government is out of sync with the Constitution. It fact, it has nothing but contempt for the Constitution. Granted, the Constitution is a horse-and-buggy document, and we live in the Space Age. There are compatibility problems.
The scum has floated to the top. It is depriving the pond and the people of life-giving sunlight and oxygen. Without these necessary nourishments, the minds of the citizens are degenerating.
Perhaps the time has come to write a new constitution to fit the modern age and protect the world and us from the modern political criminal mind.
We need a fifth estate to come forward, clean up the pond, and guide us to civilization. Are the unions up to it? They’re the only significant structure uncorrupted by the rulers.
In the meantime, let’s hope George Bush is the last caveman to lead a nation.
If the Chinese invaded Taiwan to restore the land historically belonging to it and killed over 100,000 people in the process, would American leaders condemn the act as a brutal, barbaric act of genocide? My guess is that it would, and would use the occasion to justify its next biennial war.
The U.S. government killed over 100,000 innocent people in Iraq, making the U.S. the leading mass murderer of this century. Ninety-two percent of Americans lack the moral maturity to know a horrendous crime was committed. Among members of Congress, the percentage is higher.
The Constitution limits war-making powers to the Congress (Article I, Section 8) for reasons all too clear now. Congress did not properly or legally debate the necessity for war in Iraq or Afghanistan then draw up articles of war. In fact, it shows no sign of being aware of that obligation.
The Congressional, Executive and Judiciary branches of government have betrayed the Constitution, humanity and us. The media’s actions have been treasonous.
George W. Bush believes he is a divine-right monarch, and laws do not apply to him or his administration. All Republican members of Congress believe their job is not to serve the people but to please the monarch. Most Democratic members of Congress believe their primary job is to please the monarch.
The government is out of sync with the Constitution. It fact, it has nothing but contempt for the Constitution. Granted, the Constitution is a horse-and-buggy document, and we live in the Space Age. There are compatibility problems.
The scum has floated to the top. It is depriving the pond and the people of life-giving sunlight and oxygen. Without these necessary nourishments, the minds of the citizens are degenerating.
Perhaps the time has come to write a new constitution to fit the modern age and protect the world and us from the modern political criminal mind.
We need a fifth estate to come forward, clean up the pond, and guide us to civilization. Are the unions up to it? They’re the only significant structure uncorrupted by the rulers.
In the meantime, let’s hope George Bush is the last caveman to lead a nation.