The Head of the Snake
Jacques Rostand, a French philosopher said: Kill a man, you’re a murderer. Kill a million, you’re a conquerer. Kill them all, you’re a god.
Rostand described the mind of a person functioning at a stimulus-response (S-R) level. That personality type is obsessed with the trivial and insignificant events and issues while failing to comprehend the complex and catastrophic threats looming over its head. For him, profanity can be a horrible, immoral outrage while mass murder is insignificant. It’s the style, framing and emotion-triggering words that sparks the outrage far out of proportion to the situation. When Bill Clinton got caught fondling someone who wasn’t his wife, the S-R crowd was outraged and impeached him. The Republican leader of the proceedings was an adulterer. Many of his committee members and the loudest critics of Clinton, such as Senator Vitter, also were adulterers and whoremongers, yet they were given a pass by the S-R herd. They even reelected Vitter by a wide margin even though his name appeared on customer lists of Louisiana madams.
Behind the fury is a snake that weaves itself into every fabric of public life where it manipulates and maneuvers the dimwitted flocks of sheep. The visible part of that snake’s head was plutocrat Richard Mellon Scaife.
Today, the snake is out to get Barak Obama. The snakehead this time is the plutocrat Koch brothers, Charles and David. The herd is reacting furiously and indignantly having learned nothing from its last deception and lacks any ability to absorb American values, principles and ideals.
In 1934, former Marine general Smedley Butler exposed a conspiracy to overthrow the “socialist” Roosevelt government and replace it with a Fascist type government like those thriving in several European nations such as Italy, Germany and Spain. The conspiracy became known as the “Industrialists Plot” for the wealthy manufacturers and bankers behind it. The Industrialists planned to form a private army, like Blackwater, composed of 500,000 World War I veterans and violently overthrow the FDR government. They would replace it with a Fascist and Nazi style government similar to those in Europe. Members of the coup had assisted the Fascists’ rise to power.
The violent overthrow was Plan B. Plan A was to assassinate FDR, Kennedy style, and install their Fascist government.
Coup leaders approached Marine General Smedley Butler to lead the troops. Unfortunately for them, Butler was a patriotic American and believed in democracy. He exposed the plot. The Democrats controlled every branch of government, yet, like Reagan’s subversive actions in Nicaragua and George W. Bush’s numerous acts of subversion and treason, the Democrats did nothing more than hold superficial hearings and cover up the traitorous and criminal acts.
The conspirators came predominantly from a group called the American Liberty League. The National Association of Manufacturers was a major supporter. One of the top leaders was a banker named Prescott Bush, father of President George H. W. Bush and grandfather of President George W. Bush. Co-conspirators were a whose-who of American corporations: Colgate, Heinz, General Motors, Birds Eye, U.S. Steel, Standard Oil, Chase National Bank, Goodyear Tire and The Mutual Life Insurance Co. Du Pont was the biggest funder and most critical member. Its Remington Arms Co. division was ready to provide all the weapons needed. The media, except for Scripps-Howard papers, were willing propaganda tools for the plotters.
No one was punished for the conspiracy to murder the president, overthrow the government and shred the Constitution because the plotters were and are super-citizens that, like the Politburo in the Soviet Union, are the unaccountable rulers of the nation. That Fascist nobility is above the law. That nobility continues to rule the nation today.
The Fascists lost World War II. The Fascists won World War II. The world goals of Adolph Hitler and George H. W. Bush shared the same terminology: “New world order.” Hitler’s strategy was brutal force. The American strategy is world hegemony with periodic brutal crushings of small, defenseless nations as a warning sign to all other nations.
In the U.S., democracy is not a political system. Democracy is a diversion, like a baby’s rattle, that keeps the S-R masses distracted from reality, from those who are exploiting them and robbing them blind.
Rostand described the mind of a person functioning at a stimulus-response (S-R) level. That personality type is obsessed with the trivial and insignificant events and issues while failing to comprehend the complex and catastrophic threats looming over its head. For him, profanity can be a horrible, immoral outrage while mass murder is insignificant. It’s the style, framing and emotion-triggering words that sparks the outrage far out of proportion to the situation. When Bill Clinton got caught fondling someone who wasn’t his wife, the S-R crowd was outraged and impeached him. The Republican leader of the proceedings was an adulterer. Many of his committee members and the loudest critics of Clinton, such as Senator Vitter, also were adulterers and whoremongers, yet they were given a pass by the S-R herd. They even reelected Vitter by a wide margin even though his name appeared on customer lists of Louisiana madams.
Behind the fury is a snake that weaves itself into every fabric of public life where it manipulates and maneuvers the dimwitted flocks of sheep. The visible part of that snake’s head was plutocrat Richard Mellon Scaife.
Today, the snake is out to get Barak Obama. The snakehead this time is the plutocrat Koch brothers, Charles and David. The herd is reacting furiously and indignantly having learned nothing from its last deception and lacks any ability to absorb American values, principles and ideals.
In 1934, former Marine general Smedley Butler exposed a conspiracy to overthrow the “socialist” Roosevelt government and replace it with a Fascist type government like those thriving in several European nations such as Italy, Germany and Spain. The conspiracy became known as the “Industrialists Plot” for the wealthy manufacturers and bankers behind it. The Industrialists planned to form a private army, like Blackwater, composed of 500,000 World War I veterans and violently overthrow the FDR government. They would replace it with a Fascist and Nazi style government similar to those in Europe. Members of the coup had assisted the Fascists’ rise to power.
The violent overthrow was Plan B. Plan A was to assassinate FDR, Kennedy style, and install their Fascist government.
Coup leaders approached Marine General Smedley Butler to lead the troops. Unfortunately for them, Butler was a patriotic American and believed in democracy. He exposed the plot. The Democrats controlled every branch of government, yet, like Reagan’s subversive actions in Nicaragua and George W. Bush’s numerous acts of subversion and treason, the Democrats did nothing more than hold superficial hearings and cover up the traitorous and criminal acts.
The conspirators came predominantly from a group called the American Liberty League. The National Association of Manufacturers was a major supporter. One of the top leaders was a banker named Prescott Bush, father of President George H. W. Bush and grandfather of President George W. Bush. Co-conspirators were a whose-who of American corporations: Colgate, Heinz, General Motors, Birds Eye, U.S. Steel, Standard Oil, Chase National Bank, Goodyear Tire and The Mutual Life Insurance Co. Du Pont was the biggest funder and most critical member. Its Remington Arms Co. division was ready to provide all the weapons needed. The media, except for Scripps-Howard papers, were willing propaganda tools for the plotters.
No one was punished for the conspiracy to murder the president, overthrow the government and shred the Constitution because the plotters were and are super-citizens that, like the Politburo in the Soviet Union, are the unaccountable rulers of the nation. That Fascist nobility is above the law. That nobility continues to rule the nation today.
The Fascists lost World War II. The Fascists won World War II. The world goals of Adolph Hitler and George H. W. Bush shared the same terminology: “New world order.” Hitler’s strategy was brutal force. The American strategy is world hegemony with periodic brutal crushings of small, defenseless nations as a warning sign to all other nations.
In the U.S., democracy is not a political system. Democracy is a diversion, like a baby’s rattle, that keeps the S-R masses distracted from reality, from those who are exploiting them and robbing them blind.
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