Thursday, August 16, 2007

Jane Fonda and the Denial Heap

Clinical studies currently under way indicate that war has a guilt purging effect. This indicates that guilt accumulates in the subconscious sector of the brain. As the guilt heap grows, it needs an outlet. In conservative minds, a simple outlet is necessary. In more primitive times, something such as a scapegoat served this purpose.

As most of us moved away from the farm, new forms of release were necessary. One of the best examples is the blame placed on Jane Fonda for the sins of the Vietnam War. The brutal, barbaric actions of the U.S. using the most horrendous weapons available indiscriminately on innocent men, women, children and babies generated monstrous amounts of guilt. Primitive and pagan societies commonly used transference ceremonies. Modern pagans use Jane Fonda to rechannel their Vietnam War guilt.

Unable or unwilling to admit quilt, or even to understand the extent of their monstrous actions, the guilty parties usually search for a simple alternative and punish it excessively. They are unable to comprehend the complex events that created the guilt in the first place.

A modern example is Hillary Clinton. No one can explain their bitter hatred for her. There is no basis for the hatred. The guilt from the baseless attacks on her and her husband needs its outlet, and she is the most convenient target.

Males are most in need of sin-eaters. They seem to prefer females as the transference target. Transference targets almost always are something weak or inanimate such as a voodoo doll. The transference also can include races of people which can become as harmful as the original sin or worse. The guilty parties whip themselves up into a fanatic frenzy as they self-righteously attempt to eradicate the imaginary guilt. This tactic was more common among savages, but it remains a powerful instinct among many today who have not developed reasoning, analytical minds.


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