Guilty but no Remorse
Why is John Kiriakou still in jail? He revealed the CIA torture program in 2007. Why did members of Congress do nothing then when the full extent of American barbarism could had been revealed.
Chelsea Manning, is in jail.
Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are in exile.
Thomas Drake of NSA plea bargained
Sibil Edmonds
Col. Ann Wright can't fly out of the US.
jesselyn Radack. Lawyer for Government Accountability Project
Not an isolated incidence of barbarism.
"The US is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." Martin Luther King" 4/4/1967.
"For revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America remains without rival." Frederick Douglas. 1852
A small group of Representatives in fhe U.S. Congress decided to acknowledge that the U.S. government had regularly tortured people. It's likely that very little useful information had been gained from those acts of inhumanity.
Congress and the bureaucracies have no regrets, other than being exposed as barbaric hypocrites. If they actually regretted those hideous acts, they would have released all jailed whistleblowers immediately and celebrated than as heroes, as the good guys. They would have dropped charges against those in exile, such as Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. They would have reinstated those who lost their jobs, and given them full back pay. They would give restitution of at least $100 million each to all who were adversely affectd by the punishments. The money would come from the CIA budget.
The torture incidents were not rare deviations. Extrajudicial murders and punishments are common in the U.S. Several incidents of mistaken Black youth killings by police have come to light.
Obama's extrajudicial drone murders show he is as sociopathic as Bush and psychopathic as Cheney.
This entire Sept. 11 incident could have been avoided if Reagan had not funded, trained and armed Al Qaeda, GHW Bush had not manipulated the installation of US bases in Saudi Arabia, Clinton or Bush had removed bases from Saudi Arabia.
Americans are inherently criminal and evil. The justice system is founded on the precept that only the threat of harsh punishment will deter criminal acts in the US. Thus the world's largest prison system is in the US. No. Shame is not punishment in the US as Republicans and democrats are proposing. It's a badge of honor. Bush, Cheney and their war criminal accomplices must face the full extent of the law, something they never gave over 1 million of their Iraqi victims.
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